Engineering Data Manager/Costing
Competitive suppliers require accuracy in the basics: bills of material, routings, standards, and engineering change notices. Activity Based Costing, NAFTA cost reporting, and improved cost analysis tools can make a big difference - improved costing techniques lead to better decisions. The Knovalent Automotive Engineering Data Manager (EDM) provides for easy data maintenance for all of your product and factory databases: departments, work-centers, machines, tools, bills-of-material, routings, and related capacities and standards. EDM also provides complete Product Costing capabilities, including multiple standard costs, Activity Based Costing, NAFTA costing, estimated costing, simulated costing, and last actual and average actual costs, with tremendous flexibility for performing cost analysis.
Key benefits of Engineering Data Manager
- Accurate bills of material and routings to support accuracy in manufacturing
- Easy to use - copy same-as-except and mass change capabilities
- Effective dates allow definition of future changes in rates or standards
- Reduced scrap and obsolescence by using a comprehensive engineering change notification system
- Support Activity Based Costing for improved costing accuracy - meets OEM requirements
- NAFTA costing to support reporting requirements
- Cost simulations & variances for analysis
Key features of Engineering Data Manager
- 3 types of bills of material: manufacturing, engineering, and planning - with component effective dates and ECN control
- Flexible plant floor setup: departments, work-centers, resources
- Routings use pay-point logic for easy production entry - with backflush
- Alternate routings
- Standard operations
- Phantom bill of material
- Engineering change notification implemented by effective date or triggered
by rules (use-up on-hand or cum produced quantity) - Tooling definitions with useful life, next activity, tool components, and produced
parts per tool-for production reporting by tool/cycles - Single and multi-level where-used
- Copy same-as-except and mass replace logic for easy maintenance
Product Costing Data Management - Standard costing with frozen, current, estimated and simulated standards; with effective dates
- Activity Based Costing with unlimited cost activities associated -with many manufacturing elements (departments, work-centers, machines, routing operations, product lines, items, set-up time. etc.)
- Ten cost categories: labor, material, resource, outside processing, user-defined,
plus five burden categories - All inventory and work-in-process costs can be booked to the GL using the 10 cost categories
- Average actual cost can be racked for purchased material and can be calculated
historically for manufactured items using production history - Costed bill-of-material and costed routing inquiries
- NAFTA cost content